Finding Relief for Stress that Could Lead to Obesity

Stress is constant in our lives regardless of our age as we have our own hurdles and situations that we need to deal with depending on our circumstances. Older individuals have their own problems such as declining finances, health failure, and even keeping their financial conditions stable. Stress, however, can lead to obesity.

Young adults on the other hand, deal with problems such as acquiring financial security, forming their career path, and balancing both family and academic demands. It is normal for the body’s protection against stress to gradually weaken especially with old age. However, even if your days of youth are gone, you still don’t have to give in to stress.

Stress and Comfort Eating

There are a lot of speculations that long-term stress is correlated to obesity. Chronic stress can prompt comfort eating in which one engages in consuming excessive amounts of foods, usually containing lots of calories and fat.

Normally, short-term stress brings the brain to create hormones that suppresses appetite called corticotrophin-releasing hormone. The occurrence transmit signals to the adrenal glands, which in turn triggers the production of adrenaline to temporarily suppress the impulse to eat.

On the other hand, continuous and long-term stress can cause the release of the main stress hormone cortisol, which conversely works by increasing one’s appetite. If the said stress does not go away, the increased level of appetite remains. This condition often leads to what people call as “comfort eating.”

Scientific Studies on the Correlation of Obesity to Stress

A research done at the University College London studied the correlation between body mass index and the levels of cortisol found in the hair of their subjects. Data was gathered for four years involving 2,500 women and men who participated. They analyzed 2 centimeters pieces of their hair grown for two months, and it shows that the cortisol levels continuously increased.

Main researcher Sarah Jackson and her team discovered that people with higher BMIs and greater waist circumferences have greater levels of cortisol in their hair. Individuals who are obese or has a BMI of 30 or greater had particularly very high levels of hair cortisol. During the four year span of the study, positive association was revealed in the study between the persistence of obesity and cortisol levels occurring in their hair.

Another study found out that individuals with high cortisol levels have greater chances of eating snacks as a way to cope with stress from everyday problems compared to those who don’t.

Consider Modere Trim in Fighting Stress and Controlling Weight

Modere Trim is a weight loss supplement that comes in sugarless liquid form that helps both men and women to lose a pound of belly fat in a matter of 58 days.  Moreover, it also claims to have substances that can rejuvenate the skin to make the epidermis younger-looking, whilst enhancing the muscle tones as well to to make the flesh appear firmer.

Based on the product fact sheet, Modere trim utilizes an original breakthrough combination of CLA and Collagen/HA Matrix technology in reducing fat. Based on scientific studied, CLA encourages the fats in the body to be absorbed and decreases the production of fat cell.

On the other hand, the multi-patented Collagen/HA Matrix technology, which has won multiple awards, enhances the appearance of the skin and muscle tone. Not only that, it also improves the joints flexibility and diminishes changes in appearance caused by aging.

Both formulations combined, modere trim reviews of users claim full “body transformation experience” that enhances their body’s metabolism toward achieving weight loss.

What is CLA and How Does the Collagen/HA Matrix Technology Work?

Conjugated linoleic acid or CLA is an acid obtained from plants such as linseed and sunflower oil, which lowers and obstructs the transportation of fat from the bloodstream. While the Collagen/HA Matrix Technology refreshes the collagen in the body and the hyaluronic acid (HA) levels provides revitalization to the eyes, muscle, skin, nails, and hair.